Hello world!

For my first blog entry, I just want to thank the good folks who produce WordPress, and the whole wordpress community. I installed WordPress on lopoco.com‘s rationally powered internet server, and immediately began checking out some of the community links. This is gonna be fun!

About andy

Andrew Sharp is many things, among them a motorcycle enthusiast, technical innovator, Linux kernel hacker, dog lover, California native (originally from southern California), SciFi lover and, yes, a bit of a philosopher. Going back even before my college days at Tufts University, where I double majored in Philosophy and Computer Science, I've known that I love to write. Pontificate, even.

One thought on “Hello world!

  1. I’m not clear how to use this site, this note is for Andrew Sharp. I am retired from IBM and maintain a distribution list for present and past employees of IBM/Hitachi….as you know Shannon was an employee and so well liked. We learned about his untimely death last week and since then I have recieved countless emails asking when and where there will be a service or funeral. I have called Oak Hill, checked the paper daily, did searches on the Internet, that is how I found this site which I shared with IbM/Hitachi employees. If you can help us I would certainly appreciate it. Thank you. Sammie

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